AHCCCS Housing Program
Permanent Supportive Housing
The AHCCCS Housing Program is a Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program with two primary models: scattered site, tenant-based rental assistance (vouchers) and site-based, project-based rental assistance in the Community Living Program. Both models provide a combination of housing subsidy and services designed for people with serious mental illnesses or other disabilities who need support to live stably in their communities. These services can include case management, substance abuse or mental health counseling, advocacy, and assistance in locating and maintaining employment. Permanent Supportive Housing is a proven solution for people who have experienced chronic homelessness as well as other people with disabilities, including people leaving institutional and restrictive settings (USICH Fact Sheet).
Rental Assistance
Participants in the AHCCCS Housing Program pay 30% of their adjusted monthly income towards the cost of rent and utilities. HOM calculates the participant’s portion of rent in accordance with applicable program guidelines. The remaining portion of the Contract Rent for the dwelling unit is subsidized by the program and is paid directly to the Landlord. The HOM program participant is the leaseholder for their unit. HOM enters into Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contracts with Landlords to provide rental assistance to HOM participants and their authorized family members. Participants are assisted for as long as they remain eligible for the assistance.
Supportive Services
Supportive services in the AHCCCS Housing program are tailored to meet the individual needs of the household and may include case management, mental health treatment and counseling, substance use treatment, assistance with daily activities, skills training and development, transportation, health education, conflict resolution, crisis response, and assistance with socialization and seeking employment. Services in supportive housing are flexible and primarily focused on the outcome of housing stability. Supportive services are provided by HOM’s partners in the homelessness and integrated health care fields.

For more information, visit our AHP FAQ page: https://www.hominc.com/ahp-faqs/
For information about how to apply for AHP, please visit the ABC Housing web site at https://azabc.org/ahp/.Â