The assistance is provided to the tenant, rather than to a dwelling unit or building. Participants in the housing programs are assisted in locating a dwelling unit of their choice in the community that meets program eligibility requirements. For the dwelling unit to be eligible for the program, the unit must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection. The rent for the unit must also be determined to be reasonable in comparison to other unassisted units similar in location, size, unit type, age, unit amenities and property facilities.

The HOM participant is the leaseholder and the sole tenant for the dwelling unit. HOM enters into a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract or Rental Assistance Agreement with landlords to provide rental assistance to HOM participants and their authorized family members.

Permanent Supportive Housing

Participants in Permanent Supportive Housing programs are required to pay at least 30% of their adjusted monthly income towards the cost of rent and utilities. HOM calculates the participant’s portion of rent in accordance with applicable program guidelines. The remaining portion of the Contract Rent for the dwelling unit is subsidized by the program and is paid directly to the landlord.

Rapid Re-Housing

Service providers together with participant households determine the amount of rent and utilities that the household can afford monthly and in accordance with applicable program guidelines. The remaining portion of the Contract Rent for the dwelling unit is subsidized by the program and is paid directly to the landlord.

All the programs provide both financial rental assistance and client-centered supportive services designed to ensure housing stability and recovery.  Supportive services are provided by HOM partners, including integrated behavioral health and homeless services providers.

Landlords are encouraged to use their normal tenant selection criteria in considering HOM applicants for tenancy. HOM determines only that the applicant is eligible to receive rental assistance in the programs according to applicable program eligibility criteria. HOM does not screen program participants for suitability for tenancy. Such screening is the Landlord’s responsibility.

NOTE: In accordance with Federal Fair Housing Laws, it is illegal to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.

Once the landlord has approved the HOM applicant for tenancy, the landlord and applicant must complete preliminary paperwork required to initiate a Lease and HAP Contract.

This paperwork includes:

  • Request for Tenancy Approval
  • Lead Warning Statement
  • Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
  • Direct Deposit Authorization

The above forms are available on Forms Central and must be completed and returned to HOM to begin the lease-up process. We cannot schedule an initial HQS Inspection or allow the participant to move into the unit until the above paperwork is completed and returned to HOM.

HOM pays for application fees, refundable security deposits and/or other non-refundable fees required for move-in for participants in most situations and programs. These fees are paid to the landlord once HOM has received an executed copy of the lease between the landlord and tenant, and an executed copy of the HAP Contract between the landlord and HOM.  


The unit must PASS a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection BEFORE we can execute a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract on behalf of the HOM.

You’ll find helpful information about the inspection process on Forms Central, including the HUD Pamphlet, A Good Place to Live. The pamphlet provides general information and performance criteria for the HQS Inspection process by room in the dwelling unit. We’ve also developed a Landlord HQS Tip Sheet to provide a list of common fail items for inspections.

Inspections are also required annually to ensure that the dwelling unit continues to meet Housing Quality Standards.

Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Landlords are required to disclose the presence of any known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Tenants must also receive a federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention. HOM provides the EPA’s Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home pamphlet to all program participants.  A Lead Warning Statement must be completed and signed by the Landlord, Tenant, and HOM prior to the leasing and execution of a HAP Contract for the dwelling unit.

The EPA and HUD Real Estate Notification and Disclosure Rule Questions and Answers is available on Forms Central.

Landlords must execute their standard property lease with the HOM participant. The term of the initial lease must be for a full TWELVE-MONTH period. The HOM Tenancy Addendum must be attached to and made a part of the Landlord’s lease.

The Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract is the agreement between the Landlord and HOM.  The purpose of the HAP Contract is to assist the HOM participant to lease a decent, safe and sanitary dwelling unit from the Landlord.

In Rapid Re-Housing, the contract is called the Rental Assistance Agreement, and while different, serves the same purpose in the program.

The HAP Contract contains the entire agreement between HOM, Inc. and the Landlord. Following are some of the major provisions contained in the HAP Contract:

  • Leasing of the unit to the family
  • Provision of maintenance and other services
  • The term of the HAP Contract and its relationship to the lease
  • Provision and payment of utilities and appliances
  • Amount of rent and amounts payable by HOM, Inc. and the tenant
  • Treatment of security deposits
  • Owner Certifications

The above is intended as a very brief overview. Landlords are encouraged to read the HAP Contract thoroughly.  Samples for Permanent Supportive Housing, Mainstream and Rapid Re-Housing programs are available on Forms Central.

HOM sends the housing assistance payments for our programs to landlords via direct deposit.  Deposits are made directly to the landlord’s bank account and HOM sends a payment itemization to the landlord via email or regular mail for documentation and rent posting purposes.  Direct deposit eliminates problems associated with lost or stolen checks and saves all of us time and money.

Following are some FAQs for Direct Deposit.

Why should I sign up for direct deposit?

Direct deposit will benefit you in several ways:

  • It saves delays in your payment due to mail delivery
  • It saves trips to the bank
  • It eliminates the possibility of lost, stolen or forged checks
  • Funds deposited via direct deposit are available immediately

How does direct deposit work?

HOM, Inc. processes payments using the ACH (Automated Clearing House) system which provides electronic funds transfer (EFT) between banks. Payments are credited to your checking or savings account automatically on the 1st day of each month.

What documentation will I receive for the payment?

We will e-mail you a HAP Itemization Report notifying you of the payment being processed. The notification includes the following information:

  • Date of payment
  • Description of Payment (HAP, App Fee, Security Deposit, etc.)
  • Name of Tenant
  • Amount of payment for each tenant at the property
  • Total amount of the payment

Will HOM mail me a copy of the Itemization Report?


How do I sign up for direct deposit?

Complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form and fax or mail it to our office. We will process your request and e-mail you a confirmation that your account has been set up properly and the effective date of your first payment.

What if my bank account information changes?

Just send in a revised Direct Deposit Authorization Form to our office. We will process your request and e-mail you a confirmation that your changes have been made along with the effective date of the next payment.

On a periodic basis, HOM participants recertify their continued eligibility and assistance level in the housing programs. Upon interim or annual re-examinations, HOM re-calculates the participant’s portion of rent. Changes in the participant’s portion of rent will be provided to the participant and Landlord in a one-page amendment to the existing HAP Contract or Rental Assistance Agreement. The amendment will provide the new Tenant Rent and Housing Assistance Payment to the Landlord and the effective date of the change.

The participant’s portion of rent is determined by HOM only, and it is illegal to charge any additional amounts for rent or any other items not specified in the Lease that have not been specifically approved by HOM.

At the end of a HOM-assisted tenancy, the landlord must notify HOM of the vacancy and when the landlord has re-taken possession of the dwelling unit.  Most of the housing programs operated by HOM provide a process for landlords to make a claim for tenant-caused damages and/or vacancy loss.  The following chart represents those options for the programs.

Permanent Supportive Housing ProgramsRapid Re-Housing ProgramsMainstream ProgramHUD-VASH and Housing Choice Vouchers
HOM Damage Claim ProcessArizona Department of Housing (ADOH)
Arizona Landlord Incentive Program (ALIP)

HOM Damage Claim and Vacancy Loss Process

A HOM Inspector will arrange to conduct a move-out inspection of the unit within 48 hours of the Landlord’s notification of move-out. The Inspector will provide a copy of the HOM Security Deposit Disposition & Damage Claim / Vacancy Loss Worksheet to the Landlord to complete and submit to HOM for a final disposition of the security deposit and potential reimbursement for damages and vacancy loss.  This form is also available on Forms Central.  If a claim is approved, HOM pays the claim directly to the landlord.

ADOH Arizona Landlord Incentive Program Process

A HOM Inspector will arrange to conduct a move-out inspection of the unit within 48 hours of the Landlord’s notification of move-out. The Inspector will provide a copy of the Security Deposit Disposition & Program Fund Request to the Landlord to complete and submit to HOM for a final disposition of the security deposit and potential reimbursement for damages and vacancy loss.  This form is also available on Forms Central.  If a claim is approved, Catholic Charities pays the claim directly to the landlord.