Padmission: HOM’s New Online Housing Search Platform

We’re incredibly excited to share our latest innovation in our efforts to end homelessness.  Padmission is our new web-based housing search platform custom-built for our housing program participants, their case managers and landlords.

How Padmission Works

Padmission is like other online housing search services in that it allows landlords to list and market their properties to prospective tenants.  However, Padmission is different because it is a closed platform just for HOM-assisted housing programs. Landlords indicate which of the HOM housing programs they accept in their listings.  This way, participants and case managers can search for properties and units that accept the housing program that they participate in. Additionally, HOM staff work alongside our landlord partners to update the listings so that the information is always updated.  As a result, Padmission makes the housing search process much easier and faster for everyone involved!

Padmission Features and Functionality


List and market properties and available rental units with information that includes:

  • Property Address
  • Floorplan information, including square footage and bedroom/bathroom configuration
  • Numbers of units available by size
  • Rent, deposit and fee requirements
  • Utility responsibilities
  • Amenities and facilities
  • HOM housing programs accepted
  • Pictures
  • Marketing remarks and specials or concessions

Participants and Case Managers

Our participants and their case managers can use basic and advanced search filters to find properties and units that meet their needs.  Participants and case managers can also contact landlords through Padmission to inquire about viewing properties and application procedures.

HOM Staff

Our team is dedicated to supporting all our customers in using Padmission successfully.  Our Ownership Support team and Housing Location Specialist will provide training and support to our landlords to assist them in managing their properties in the app.  HOM Housing Specialists will support our participants and case manager users.  Our goal is to make it easier for landlords to market their units to our participants and for our participants to find and secure housing quickly.  Powerful analytics in Padmission will help us to measure our efforts in landlord recruitment and connecting participants to housing.

Continuous Product Improvement

We’re committed to listening to user feedback and suggestions about features and functionality for Padmission to make your life easier and add more value to your participation in the housing programs.  Padmission is user friendly, intuitive and extremely fast. We have lots of ideas for its evolution and we look forward to hearing yours as well.  Users can contact us right through the app to request support and provide feedback.

Padmission Rollout

Padmission is up and running now!  Landlords with properties and units already listed on our Landlord Courtesy Listing and Hot List have already been set up in Padmission. You can register for an account now at We’ll be sending out more information, making calls and visiting with partners over the next several weeks to get everyone on-boarded.

Questions and Support

If you have questions or need support, please shoot us a note at and one of our team members will assist you.

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